
At LUDA Springs privacy and data protection rights are very important to us. Data Protection is the safeguarding of the privacy rights of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data, in both paper and electronic format. The Data Protection Policy lay down strict rules about the way in which personal data and sensitive personal data are collected, accessed, used and disclosed. The Data Protection Policy also permit individuals to access their personal data on request, and confer on individuals the right to have their personal data amended if found to be incorrect.

This document outlines LUDA Springs’s policy to help ensure that we comply with the Data Protection Acts.

Inquiries about this Data Protection Policy should be made to: Manager, Compliance & Information Management

Data Protection Policy

Purpose of this policy

This policy is a statement of LUDA Springs’s commitment to protect the rights and privacy of individuals in accordance with the Data Protection Acts.

Individuals’ Responsibilities

Any staff member of LUDA Springs who is involved in the collection, storage or processing of personal data has responsibilities under the legislation:.

Any staff member involved in the processing/storing of personal data should make sure;

  • to obtain and process personal data fairly.
  • to keep such data only for explicit and lawful purposes.
  • to disclose such data only in ways compatible with these purposes
  • to keep such data safe and secure.
  • to keep such data accurate, complete and up-to-date.
  • to ensure that such data is adequate, relevant and not excessive.
  • to retain such data for no longer than is necessary for the explicit purpose.

Individual Rights

The individuals for whom LUDA Springs stores personal data have the following rights:

  • to have their personal data obtained and processed fairly
  • to have personal data kept securely and not illegitimately disclosed to others.
  • to be informed of the identity of the Data Controller and of the purpose for which the information is held.
  • to get a copy of their personal data.
  • to have their personal data corrected or deleted if inaccurate.
  • to prevent their personal data from being used for certain purposes: for example, one might want to have the data blocked for research purposes where it is held for other purposes.
  • under Employment Rights, not to be forced to disclose information to a prospective employer. No one can force another person to make an access request, or reveal the results of an access request, as a condition of recruitment, employment or provision of a service. Where vetting for employment purposes is necessary, this can be facilitated where the individual gives consent to the data controller to release personal data to a third party.
  • It should be noted that under the Freedom of Information Act 2014,  records containing personal information may be released to a third party, where the public interest so requires.


Roles/Responsibilities of LUDA Springs

LUDA Springs has overall responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Data Protection legislation. However, all employees of LUDA Springs who collect and/or control the contents and use of personal data are also responsible for compliance with the Data Protection legislation. LUDA Springs will provide support, assistance, advice and training to all relevant Departments, Offices and staff to ensure it is in a position to comply with the legislation.
